Our Investments

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Investment Philosophy

Over the last two decades we devoted all our efforts to a path of value investing and long-term investing in Korea.
We believe the best way to achieve returns is to focus on company fundamentals and take a long-term view of the markets.
Our research-driven investment process aims to identify investment opportunities with the best underlying fundamentals.

Shinyoung Marathon Equity Fund

Life is a Marathon. That is specifically why this fund pursues long-term value investing. This is a fund that runs the full 42.195km with clients.

  • · Shinyoung Marathon Equity Fund is Shinyoung’s core flagship with which our value investing philosophy originates.
    This fund represents Shinyoung’s years of investment record where we have experienced upturns and downturns
    of market, economic cycles and financial crises.
  • · The fund aims to achieve consistent long term growth via investments in undervalued stocks in Korea.
    It pursues stable performance through a careful bottom up research and value investing strategy,
    focusing on hidden value of stocks.
  • · The fund is not only one of the best performing value funds in Korea, but also boasts the longest track record.

> Fund Profile

Fund Profile
Portfolio Manager Jooyoung Won Inception Date 2002.04.25
NAV Per Unit (KRW) 1,134.45 (
Total AuM (KRW) 429,155,526,521
Adjusted Unit Price (KRW) 7,104.76 (
BM Adjusted Unit Price 2,820.21
Geographic Focus Korea
Domicile Korea
Base Currency KRW Benchmark KOSPI 90% + CD 91 Days 10%
Front Load None
*Total Annual Fee 1.49% ( Management : 0.46% / Distributor : 1.00% / Custodian : 0.025% / Administration : 0.005% )
Redemption Fee None

* Class C

As of

> Cumulative Return (%)

Cumulative Return
Cumulative Return (%)
1M 6M 1Y 3Y 5Y 10Y Since Inception
1.33 -2.90 -6.41 -1.09 46.29 32.39 610.48

* Class C

As of

> Portfolio Holdings (%)

Portfolio Holdings
Size Sector / Industry Exposure Top 5 Position
  Fund BM Fund BM Fund BM
Large 62.09 80.4 IT 37.96 43.95 Samsung Electronics 17.56 22.04
Medium 24.88 11.01 Consumer Discretionary 18.99 11.03 Samsung C&T 6.34 1.13
KOSDAQ 2.33 - Industrials 13.42 11.90 Samsung Electronics
Preferred Stock
4.73 2.41
Small 3.56 4.19 Materials 8.82 9.88 SK hynix 4.29 4.84
Preferred Shares 7.14 4.41 Energy 6.55 2.92 Hyundai Mobis 3.15 1.04

* * Size, Sector / Industry Exposure data as of 29/12/2023, Top 5 Positions as of 29/12/2023

> Volatility & Risk (1yr)

Volatility & Risk (1yr)
Fund Peer Average
Beta 0.90 1.00
Standard Deviation(%) 11.98 20.05
Sharpe Ratio 0.79 1.29
Alpha (%) -1.56 0.93

* Data as of 02/01/2024, Class C

Some of the information contained herein including any expression of opinion or forecast has been obtained from or is based on sources believed by us to be reliable, but is not guaranteed and we do not warrant nor do we accept liability as to adequacy, accuracy, reliability or completeness of such information obtained from or based on external sources. The information is given on the understanding that any person who acts upon it or otherwise changes his or her position in reliance thereon does so entirely at his or her own risk without liability on our part. This is not an offer to buy or sell or a solicitation or incitement of offer to buy or sell any securities referred to herein. It should also be appreciated that under certain circumstances the redemption of units/shares may be suspended. Investment involves risk. Past performance is not indicative of future performance.

Shinyoung Value High Dividend Equity Fund

Shinyoung Asset Management has pioneered dividend investing in Korea from early 2000s when nobody was looking. It is this contrarian view that bears fruit in time.

  • · Shinyoung Value High Dividend Equity Fund was launched a year after Marathon Strategy. We foresaw the low growth,
    low inflation and zero interest rate environment everywhere globally. The necessity for high dividend stocks was
    inevitable, and consequently the fund was able to meet the investors’ needs.
  • · The fund aims to achieve consistent long term growth via investments in high dividend stocks. The fund invests in
    companies whose profits and dividends post stable growth.
  • · The fund posts high dividend yield than that of the KOSPI’s. In 2020, the dividend yield of the fund posted 3.0%,
    which is higher than 1.5% of KOSPI listed companies’ average dividend yield, and also higher than the interest rate of 0.7%.

Source : Dataguide, KRX

> Fund Profile

Fund Profile
Portfolio Manager Namkwon Huh Inception Date 2003.05.26
NAV Per Unit (KRW) 1,182.11 (
Total AuM (KRW) 1,035,250,995,979
Adjusted Unit Price (KRW) 8,897.75 (
BM Adjusted Unit Price 3,668.27
Geographic Focus Korea
Domicile Korea
Base Currency KRW Benchmark KOSPI 90% + CD 91 Days 10%
Front Load None
*Total Annual Fee 1.35% ( Management : 0.39% / Distributor : 0.91% / Custodian : 0.03% / Administration : 0.02% )
Redemption Fee None

* Class C

As of

> Cumulative Return (%)

Cumulative Return (%)
Cumulative Return (%)
1M 6M 1Y 3Y 5Y 10Y Since Inception
0.10 -5.47 -5.72 4.82 57.89 45.05 789.78

* Class C

As of

> Portfolio Holdings (%)

Portfolio Holdings
Size Sector / Industry Exposure Top 5 Position
  Fund Peer Average Fund BM Top 5 Positions Fund BM
Large 45.41 80.4 IT 31.98 43.95 Samsung Electronics 16.45 22.04
Medium 25.10 11.01 Consumer Discretionary 12.68 11.03 Hyundai motor co pref 4.46 0.19
Preferred Shares 15.34 4.41 Financial Sectors 10.42 8.81 Samsung Electronics
Preferred Stock
4.37 2.41
KOSDAQ 4.25 - Industrials 10.03 11.90 KT&G 3.90 0.55
Small 9.90 4.19 Materials 9.66 9.88 HD Hyundai 2.53 0.24

* Size, Sector / Industry Exposure data as of 29/12/2023, Top 5 Positions as of 29/12/2023

> Volatility & Risk (1yr)

Volatility & Risk (1yr)
Fund Peer Average
Beta 0.74 1
Standard Deviation(%) 10.25 20.05
Sharpe Ratio 1.22 1.29
Alpha (%) 3.47 0.93

* Data as of 02/01/2024, Class C

Some of the information contained herein including any expression of opinion or forecast has been obtained from or is based on sources believed by us to be reliable, but is not guaranteed and we do not warrant nor do we accept liability as to adequacy, accuracy, reliability or completeness of such information obtained from or based on external sources. The information is given on the understanding that any person who acts upon it or otherwise changes his or her position in reliance thereon does so entirely at his or her own risk without liability on our part. This is not an offer to buy or sell or a solicitation or incitement of offer to buy or sell any securities referred to herein. It should also be appreciated that under certain circumstances the redemption of units/shares may be suspended. Investment involves risk. Past performance is not indicative of future performance.